5 from 2 votes

Ris à la Malta (Swedish Rice Pudding)

TYPE : Swedish
YIELD : 6 servings
CALORIES : 244 kcal
PREP TIME : 15 minutes
TOTAL TIME : 2 hours 15 minutes


Fruit Sauce

  • 2 cups (5 dl) flavorful fruit juice or nectar (I use Ocean Spray Cran-Raspberry)
  • 2 tbsp potato or corn starch

Ris à la Malta

  • 1/2 cup (1 dl) heavy cream
  • 3 cups (7 – 8 dl) chilled, cooked rice porridge (my recipe here)
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar (or 1/2 tsp vanilla extract)
  • 1/2 – 1 tbsp sugar (to taste)


Fruit Sauce

  • Whisk juice and starch, then heat while whisking until thickened.
  • Refrigerate for 1 – 2 hours.

Ris à la Malta

  • Whip cream and vanilla until medium-firm peaks form.
  • Fold in rice porridge and add sugar to taste. Serve with fruit sauce.

Whisk juice and starch, heat until thickened and refrigerate.

Whip cream with vanilla, then fold in porridge and sugar.

11 thoughts on “Ris à la Malta (Swedish Rice Pudding)”

  1. This looks really yummy and I will try it this Christmas … but I have to admit, I cannot find any recipe this elaborate, or tasty, in Swedish. lol

    1. Thank you for your comment. I think there are a few Swedish recipes out there, but everyone is a bit different. I think every family that makes it has their own version and this is how I make it. I hope you liked it and happy new year!

  2. Whoops, sorry.. The link I shared for the recipe in Swedish doesn’t seem to work.. Anyway there are pins on Pinterest for the recipe in Swedish.. Just look for Ris a la Malta

    1. It seems like Denmark, Sweden and Norway all have their variations of this dish under different names (at least according to Wikipedia). The recipe describes how I usually prepare it. Thank you for taking an interest and best wishes for the holidays and new year!

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