Cakes & Desserts

Ermine Frosting (Flour Buttercream)

This is a smooth, creamy buttercream that is less sweet and buttery in flavor than most frostings. It was the frosting originally used for Red Velvet Cake. It uses regular sugar instead of powdered sugar and is really easy to make.

Kärleksmums (Swedish Lovebites)

This cake serves many and can easily be frozen and thawed for later. My kids call them chocolate squares but I like the Swedish name Kärleksmums that I liberally translated to Lovebites.

Ris à la Malta (Swedish Rice Pudding)

Make a lot of rice porridge so you have enough left over for this delicious Christmas dessert! Mix with whipped cream, vanilla and sugar, this chilled pudding is smooth and airy. We always serve it with fruit sauce for some sweet, tangy contrast.

Knäck & Kola (Swedish Christmas Toffee)

There are many ways to cook caramel candy. In Sweden, the most popular are chewy or brittle knäck with crunchy almonds (like that found in Daim) and smooth, soft smörkola (like Werther’s).

Pecan Pie

Gooey and sweet, this pie is amazing when served warm with a scoop of ice cream.

Fruit Pie

The expression as American as apple pie may be true, but Swedes bake a lot of them, too! I enjoy mixing in a few peaches, inspired by pies from the historic town of Julian, California.

Fruit Crumble

Crumble is what Swedes usually refer to when talking about pie. Normally it comprises only fruit and topping, but since I love pie crust I use that too, American style.

Simple Custard Sauce (Crème Anglaise)

This simplified recipe for custard sauce uses a whole egg instead of yolks and whipped cream for a really light and fluffy consistency. In Sweden this is always served with fruit crumble, but it is a classic companion to many desserts.